Visual Impairment

Orcam MyEye 3
The most advanced vision impairment wearable solution - Get text read to you from any book or screen, recognize faces, accurately identify products, and with the new smart magnifier feature, you can quickly get information and ask questions interactively.
For people with low or no vision, MyEye is a revolutionary voice activated device that attaches to virtually any glasses. It can instantly read to you text from a book, smartphone screen or any other surface, recognize faces, help you shop on your own, work more efficiently, and live a more independent life! Also suitable for those with reading difficulties such as Dyslexia.
Orcam Read 3

JAWS is a screen reader developed for computer users whose vision loss prevents them from seeing screen content or navigating with a mouse. JAWS provides speech and Braille output for the most popular computer applications on your PC. Users will be able to navigate the Internet, write a document, read an email and create presentations from the office, remote desktop, or from home.