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Global Tasks

Stay on top of your work:

  • Manage tasks in one place, across all devices
  • See all projects at a glance and help prioritise
  • Sort tasks into topics easily, break projects down into smaller steps
  • Cut down on distractions
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Flown brings focus and flow to those battling distraction and isolation.

FLOWN is an online tool designed to help users focus on their work. The platform offers live focus sessions led by expert facilitators, providing human connection alongside heightened productivity. On-demand audio and video content to help remote workers achieve focus and accountability while they work, and recharge their focus when they need a break.

Our trainers can help you to learn how to use the software in the way that suits you, and for your work.

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About Us

We have years of experience working with individuals and organisations to provide assistive technology solutions that really work.

Our Services

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Get in touch

E-voice Ltd
E-space North
181, Wisbech Road, Littleport,
Call us: 01353 865391
Email us: